Military personnel

Mayor's wax creations on display in Eski?ehir

Turkey's first wax statue museum is in the central province of Eski?ehir. Mayor Y?lmaz Büyüker?en is the name behind all the statues in the museum as well as many others around the country When he's not busy running Eski?ehir, Mayor Y?lmaz Büyüker?en is known to dally in his other favorite pursuit: making wax sculptures.

McCain: It's up to Serbians to decide on NATO membership

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic on Friday welcomed and met with U.S. Senator John McCain, who led a delegation of the U.S. Congress.

Vucic said after the talks said that he and the senators discussed global issues, including the migrant crisis, and that he told them "Serbia will not raise walls in the future, either, because that is neither a European, nor a civilized solution."

Sia Anagnostopoulou wants to change Greek history as taught in schools

Deputy Education Minister Sia Anagnostopoulou told daily newspaper, Kathimerini, that she disagrees with the way in which history is taught in Greek schools. “History school books must change,” she said. “Research and the opinions of scientists on history and how it is taught in schools must stop being molded within a national measure.
