Ministry of Defence

Ukrainians getting stronger? The secret's been revealed, it comes from America

Western officials say Ukraine has successfully used a resistance method developed by US special operations forces to strike back at Russia and bury its vastly superior army.
The Resistance Operating Concept, known as the ROC doctrine, was developed in 2013 to provide a blueprint for small counties to effectively resist and confront a larger invading neighbor.

"Russians lie, there aren't that many of them"

This is the conclusion reached by the British Ministry of Defense in its daily report on the situation in Ukraine.
"Despite the war in Ukraine, on September 1, the Russian military started exercise Vostok 22, its Annual Joint Strategic Exercise, marking the culmination of the military training year", British Ministry wrote on Twitter.

Sergei Shoigu is being ridiculed by the Russian soldiers

According to recent reports by independent Russian media, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ended up side-lined within Russia's leadership due to problems Russia is facing on the battlefield in Ukraine, with operational commanders briefing President Putin directly on the course of the war, the British Ministry of Defense states in its daily report on the situation in Ukraine.

"Hell on Earth"

While Western politicians incite and convince the leadership in Kyiv that they can, and should, defeat the Russian army on the battlefield, completely different information is coming from the front.

Russians edge closer to taking key Ukrainian city

Russian forces edged closer Thursday to taking a key Ukrainian city after days of intense fighting, tightening their slow squeeze on the eastern Donbas region as Washington warned the war could last months.

The industrial hub of Severodonetsk has become a key target for Moscow, and the local governor said that 80 percent of the city was now under Russian control.
