Novi Sad

Serbian Province in Line for Reduced Powers

The government of the Serbian province of Vojvodina and its capital Novi Sad are soon to be transformed into an "executive council" and a "seat of the provincial authority", if a new draft statute for the province is adopted.

"The northern province of Vojvodina will no longer be in charge of establishing basic policy at the level of the autonomous province of Vojvodina," it reads.

Number of tourists in Novi Sad up by 26.2 %

BELGRADE - Novi Sad is still on the top of the list of Serbia's tourist destinations according to the number of overnight stays and domestic and foreign tourists, as the number of tourists from the beginning of 2014 to the end of February went up by 26.2 percent compared to the respective period in 2013, the Novi Sad Tourist Organization released in a statement on Tuesday.

Udovicic: Privatization in sports is necessary

NOVI SAD - Serbia's Minister of Youth and Sports Vanja Udovicic said on Friday that it is necessary to engage in the changes and modernization of the sports system in Serbia.

We have set out to modernize all segments of the society, so it is necessary to modernize the sports system as well, Udovicic said in a public debate on privatization in sports, held in Novi Sad.

Serbian McDonald's Denies Banning Roma Children

"Nicefoods Restaurants" says it will appeal against a judgment of the Novi Sad Court, which fined it 100,000 dinars (about 860 euro) for not allowing Roma children to enter McDonald's in the city of Novi Sad in 2012.

"Nicefoods Restaurants respect the ruling... but we will use our right and appeal the decision," the company said in a statement.
