
PM Borisov: The Biggest Success of the Bulgarian EU Presidency is the Prospect of the Western Balkans

We have achieved 45 agreements with the EP of 105, which we inherited, and as much were finished at the council. We have made great progress. The biggest success is the European perspective for the accession of the Western Balkans. There can be no peace and prosperity on the continent until all of Europe is united.

More and more Bulgarians Travel Abroad, Greece Remains the Preferred Destination

The Bulgarian National Statistical Institute published its latest survey during the week, according to which Bulgarians are traveling abroad more and more. According to NSI data, trips of Bulgarians abroad increased by 12% compared to the same period in 2017.

Gun Ownership High Among Balkan Civilians: Report

The Small Arms Survey, published on Monday, listed Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Kosovo among the top 25 countries when it comes to the estimated rate of civilian firearms possession per 100 people.

Montenegro and Serbia shared third place, after the United States and Yemen, the report said.
