
ANI asks Supreme Court for earlier consideration of Iohannis' incompatibility case (sources)

The National Integrity Agency (ANI) has asked the Supreme Court of Justice and Cassation (ICCJ) for earlier consideration of the incompatibility case regarding national leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) and presidential candidate Klaus Iohannis.

Greeks at risk of poverty remains at 23.1 pct in 2013

The proportion of Greeks living at the risk of poverty remained unchanged at 23.1 percent last year, the same as in 2012.

Those defined as being at risk of poverty were individuals having to get by on less than 5,023 euros during the year or two-adult househoulds with two children under 14 making to with less than 10,547.

EduMin Pricopie, UNESCO Director-General Bokova set the basis for new cooperation stage

Minister of National Education Remus Pricopie and UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova decided on Friday in Paris to have a technical working group set up, composed of UNESCO and Education Ministry representatives, tasked with conceiving the projects the two institutions will cooperate on in the next six years.
