Vučić laid a wreath at the monument to the heroes from Košare VIDEO / PHOTO

After laying the wreath, Vui talked to the veterans of the Battle of Koare, who also laid the wreath on the monument, and thanked them for everything they did for the homeland. "If we haven't done anything else, at least today we can talk about those who died and about your role," Vucic shared that fact with the veterans.

National Public Health Organisation releases data from study of COVID-19 variants in Greece

Greece's National Public Health Organisation (EODY) today announced results from an analysis of 955 confirmed SARS-CoV-2 samples in Greece conducted by the Greek Genome Centre.

The samples were collected between 29 March and 20 May, 2021, and the results include a geographic breakdown of where the particular variants are concentrated.

Vučić announced the construction of new roads

Vui first meets with agricultural producers in Prijepolje, and then with the mayors of the municipalities of Prijepolje, Priboj, Nova Varo and Sjenica, Office for Media Relations of the President announced. The opening of the Terme 36.6 hotel is planned in Priboj, followed by the AFT factory. You can follow the visit live on

Vučić: "One great power will demand the withdrawal of KFOR and UNMIK"

"It would be a disaster for us and I don't know if you are aware of what that would mean. I will ask Stoltenberg to use his influence to prevent that from happening," said Aleksandar Vucic, after visiting the barracks in Dedinje where members of the Guard were vaccinated today.

Vucic extends congratulations on the occasion of Sretenje, Serbian National Day VIDEO

Vui posted a video on his Instagram account, in which, along with the sounds of the Serbian anthem "God of Justice", photos of the most important personalities and events from the history of Serbia are being presented.
"Happy Statehood Day!", President Vui wrote.

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A post shared by Александар Вучић (@avucic)

Vučić: Wonderful PHOTO

"I am grateful to the ladies, especially to Slavica Kezunovi, for having the strength to beautifully decorate the presidency building. It is important, in these difficult times, to preserve the optimism and spirit of the holidays, and with hard work and energy, we will overcome all adversities," Vui writes.

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President Aleksandar Vučić talked via video link with German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Topics they discussed were: the fight against coronavirus, bilateral relations, EU enlargement and dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.
Photos of Vui and Merkel talking via video beam were published on the Instagram profile of Budunostrbijeav.

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A post shared by Aleksandar Vui (@buducnostsrbijeav)
