More hirings than firings for the first time since Feb 2008

The Labor Ministry’s Ergani register has recorded almost 20,000 more hirings than sackings in February, the ministry announced on Friday.

The balance of salaried labor last month tipped in the hirings’ favor by 19,912 jobs, while February 2013 had seen 281 more sackings than hirings. The positive outcome this year was thanks to the increase in hirings by 36,658 from a year earlier: In February they numbered 91,433 against 54,775 last year. Departures amounted to 71,521 this year from 55,056 in February 2013.

The ministry’s statement noted that this has been the first February with an increase in salaried jobs since February 2008, and the positive balance recorded was the highest for the year’s second month since 2001.

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