Star Trek fan boss builds Enterprise-like headquarters

AFP Photo

A Chinese millionaire and self-confessed Star Trek fan has boldly gone where no man has gone before with the design of his company headquarters, erected in the shape of the USS Enterprise.

The office block in the eastern city of Fuzhou has the emblematic circular contours and tubular features of the show's spaceship, according to images on the website of the People's Daily newspaper.

It was built by "Trekkie" Liu Dejian, the boss of mobile Internet app developer NetDragon Websoft, at a cost of $160 million, the newspaper said.

"An informed source at NetDragon told reporters that the building is called 'Enterprise'," the report added.

"It is understood that NetDragon chairman Liu Dejian, himself a Star Trek fan, bought the USS Enterprise copyright from CBS," it said, referring to the U.S. broadcaster.

The USS Enterprise explored strange new worlds and sought out new life and new civilizations in death-defying odysseys in the Star Trek television series and films.

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