ND MP cites press report claiming minister lifted €200K day before Greferendum announced

Now, wouldn’t this be special?

A main opposition New Democracy (ND) deputy on Tuesday tabled a question requesting an inquiry into whether a “well-known” government minister withdrew …200,000 euros from a fixed-term savings account days before capital controls were imposed!

The question was tabled in Parliament by ND deputy Lefteris Avgenakis, who is elected from Crete’s Irakleio prefecture constituency. The latter requests to learn whether or not the reports are true.

Avgenakis pointed to a report posted on the website notioanatolika.gr (http://www.notioanatolika.gr/parapol /8675-ypourgos-tis-kyvernisis-mazepse-oles-tis-prothesmiakes-katatheseis-tou-liges-ores-prin-to-kleisimo-ton-trapezon).

The report claims that the unnamed minister – who is not elected from Irakleio but retains a bank account in a National Bank branch in the specific city — telephoned the bank branch’s manager and asked him to “release” the amount from the fixed-term savings account. He then requested that the cash be transported in a folder to the home of a relative of his. If true, the folder would have been quite large.

The same report claims that the minister spoke with the bank manager on June 25, a day before the Greek prime minister’s televised announcement of a referendum and three days before capital controls were imposed on a Sunday afternoon.

Avgenakis also called on the government to publicize whatever bank transactions made by Cabinet members and all of Parliament’s MPs in the days before capital controls were placed.

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