Archaeologists Discovered a 4500 Years Old Cemetery in Egypt

In Egypt, a cemetery that is 4500 years ago was discovered, the Ministry of Antiquities said, quoted by AFP. In the tombs located in the immediate vicinity of the Giza pyramids, there are colorful wooden sarcophagi and statues of limestone dating back to ancient Egyptian times.

The site is located in the southeastern part of Giza Plateau and contains tombs and funerary niches from different periods, but the oldest family tomb dug in the limestone rocks is from the fifth dynasty or before 2500 BC.

According to experts, the tomb was shared by two people - Benui-Ka, who had seven titles, including a priest and a judge, and Nvi, also known as the leader of the Great State, and Pharaoh Hefren's "confessor."

Hefren ordered the construction of the second largest of the famous pyramids in Giza.

"We found many artifacts in the tomb," the ministry said, adding that among the finds were limestone statues of the tomb holder, his wife and son.

According to Ashraf Mochi, the director of the Giza Plateau complex, the cemetery was used repeatedly during the late period that began at the beginning of the seventh century BC.

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