Prometheus Bound | Epidaurus | August 9-10

The Municipal and Regional Theater of Patra presents "Prometheus Bound," Aeschylus' dramatic tragedy that tells the tale of Prometheus, a Titan punished by Zeus for providing fire to humanity. The acclaimed British actor Kathryn Hunter, who is of Greek heritage, will bend gender norms as she performs the title role of Prometheus alongside nine other cast members on the stage of the Ancient Theater of Epidaurus. One of many events at this year's Athens & Epidaurus Festival, the show is directed by Stavros Tsakiris and translated by Dimitris Dimitriadis. The performance begins at 9 p.m. on August 9 and 10 and includes Greek and English surtitles. Find details and pricing at
Ancient Theater of Epidaurus, Palaia Epidavros, Argolida

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