Gov't: Old infrastructure, undersized electrical installation - among factors that favored "Bals" Hospital fire

Bucharest, March 10 /Agerpres/ - The prime minister's Control Corps has identified several factors favoring the production and spread of the fire that occurred on January 29 at the "Matei Bals" Hospital, among them being the old infrastructure, the undersized electrical installation and "poor patient supervision". According to the Government, the preliminary verifications identified several factors whose cumulation favored the production and propagation of the fire. Among them, the old infrastructure "which, although it had a fire safety okay, operated without a fire safety permit", the electrical installation "designed and made at the level of 2000-2001, undersized for the current needs of the hospital", the "very high" consumption of medical oxygen in the treatment of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2" which fueled the fire and explosion." Also, other factors were "poor supervision of patients by the medical staff on duty, especially in the time range 01.00 - 05.00 in the morning", but also the lack of smoke sensors and oxygen detection. Prime Minister Florin Citu conveyed on Wednesday, during a press conference, that there will be a notification to the National Anticorruption Directorate based on the conclusions formulated by the PM's Control Corps related to the 'Matei Bals' Institute fire. AGERPRES (RO - author : Daniel Florea, editor: Catalin Alexandru; EN - author: Bogdan Gabaroi)

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