Census 2021 in Bulgaria: Beware of Scams!

The census takers who visit people at home fill in only a census form. they does not fill in data from people's ID documents except for names and EGN. No signature is required anywhere, the NSI reported. They may not require your ID card, driver's license or passport orask ou to sign declarations, applications nor any other document. If you are visited by a person who pretends to be a census taker and asks you for any documents or asks you to sign something, report immediately to the regional office of the Interior Ministry. This guy probably has nothing to do with the census Authentic Census taker must have a badge with  a photo, three names and an ID. Their masks are blue and branded with census 2021 logo. In case you doubt that the person ringing at your door is a census taker, you can check dialing *2021 or 02/ 9078 430./Novinite.bg


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