Government denies claims of hospital doctors, healthcare workers that ICU beds are set aside for VIPs
The charges made by POEDIN (Panhellenic Federation of Hospital Workers) President Michalis Giannakos and the president of OENGE (Federation of Greek Hospital Doctors' Associations) Panagiotis Papanikolaou regarding ICU beds allegedly being set aside for VIPS - the wealthy, the powerful, and the well-connected - have stirred a political maelstrom.
The government responded that if there is evidence of such actions there must be an investigation.
Papanikolaou told the Kontra new outlet that "there could have been far fewer deaths until now" and presented data from 6 September.
"Let [Health Minister Thanos] Plevris and Alternate Health Minister [Mina] Gaga tell us the number of patients who were intubated and died outside an ICU while on a waiting list. They have never told us. That is something that all parties must ask themselves more stubbornly each afternoon," he said.
"Health ministry data (EKAV-EKEPI) indicate that there were 154 intubated patients on a waiting list for an ICU bed…Dr. Gaga said that she announces the total number including those intubated outside of ICUs," he said.
He charged that in Thessaloniki many patients are being treated in "bogus ICUs". Ministry data show that there are 595 intubated COVID-19 patients being treated in regular ICU beds and 120 outside of ICUs.
"On 27 November, the health minister in a written statement said there are 1,300 ICU beds in the National Health System and noted that he had reserved at least 350 ICU beds at private hospitals and clinics. That makes a total of 1,650 beds. Subtract the 595 intubated ICU patients and there remain 1,055 ICU beds."
"Health ministry data indicate that on 6 December COVID-19 ICU beds were 125 percent occupied (595 in ICUs and 120 outside)....
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