Workers make living 40 meters high up

Pruning workers in the Aegean province of Balıkesir's Edremit district challenge the height on the top of trees that are 40 meters tall so that young saplings can receive the sun.

Workers, also known as 'squirrel man' among the people, started to work in line with the rejuvenation of the vegetation project in the world-famous Kaz Mountains conducted by authorities.

Enver Çetin, a worker who has been making his living by pruning trees meters above the ground for 28 years, stated that nearly 500 trees in the region will be pruned in line with the plans.

Stating that 12 people are doing this job across Turkey, Çetin said: "I was afraid in the beginning. After getting used to it, I started to be afraid on the ground, not above."

He also stressed that they have not been able to train many people since young people do not attach importance to this job despite the fact the salary for the job is between 15,000 and 20,000 Turkish Liras ($1,000 - $1,400).

Balıkesir Regional Director of Forestry Kemal Kayıran also pointed out the shortage of qualified personnel.


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