For an Oscar or a Raspberry?


A storm in a teacup or a serious shift in the Greek cinema industry's institutional landscape? Draft laws, as a rule, tend to attract the interest only of those who are directly affected, a few specific circles. Their anxiety about what will come is not always justified, as their main source of concern is, usually, that some new measure will come along to rock their boat. 

The Culture Ministry recently submitted a draft law to Parliament that seeks to introduce new regulations to the film and audiovisual industry. Titled "Creative Greece," the draft law begs the question of just how much creativity it took to come up with the idea of merging the Greek Film Center (GCF) and the National Center for Audiovisual Media and Communication (EKOME) into one agency with purview for both cinema and television.

The GFC has been around for 50 years, serving the Greek cinema...

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