Russian strike on Ukraine's Chernigiv leaves several killed, injured

A Russian strike on the northern Ukrainian city of Chernigiv Wednesday killed  at least 11 people and 20 wounded more, as Kiev again sounded the alarm over shortages in its air defense capabilities.

First responders searched for survivors in rubble, carrying away the wounded on stretchers as a pool of blood formed on the ground near the scene of the strikes, official images showed.

President Volodymyr Zelensky, who has been urging allies to send more missiles to thwart Russian air attacks, said Ukraine had lacked sufficient air defences to intercept the three missiles that struck Chernigiv.

"There are still people under the rubble. The search and rescue operation continues," Interior Minister Igor Klymenko wrote in a social media post announcing the latest toll.

A 25-year-old policewoman on sick leave at home was among those killed after suffering a severe shrapnel wound when the strikes rocked a densely populated area of the town, he added.

The Chernigiv region, which borders Belarus to the north, was partially occupied at the beginning of Russia's invasion but has been spared fierce fighting for around two years since Moscow's army withdrew.

"Many multi-storey buildings were damaged," the regional governor Vyacheslav Chaus said on state-run television. "Civilian infrastructure is damaged. Dozens of vehicles have been destroyed."

 Zelensky criticises Western resolve 

Zelensky blamed Russia for the attack, in a post on social media.

But he added: "This would not have happened if Ukraine had received sufficient air-defense equipment and if the world's determination to resist Russian terror had been sufficient."

"The terror must be stopped," the head of the Ukrainian president's...

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