Vucic: Nation that does not know its past has no future

BELGRADE - A nation that does not fight and does not know its past cannot understand its present, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said at the Russian House in Belgrade on Wednesday evening.

"Those who control the past control the future, George Orwell said a long time ago. And a nation that does not fight and does not know its past cannot understand its present and, most importantly, has no future. That is the very reason an unsparing, ruthless battle is going on between those who want to change their political positions in the future by altering facts from the past and those who, on the other hand, want to preserve facts and evidence of past events unscathed, regardless of the power and the might of political factors of the present and the future," Vucic said in a speech on Revision of Historical Facts and Resistance by Freedom-Loving Nations.

He said some...

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