Bulgaria's President and Acting PM Highlighted the Significance of Education and Culture on May 24 Celebration

During his speech at the National Library, President Radev acknowledged the concerns voiced by universities through protests. He highlighted the global trend of countries prioritizing investments in science and education, cautioning against neglecting the potential of Bulgarian scientists, teachers, and researchers. Radev urged the government, parliament, and society as a whole to heed the calls of university rectors for an open dialogue about the future of education and science, advocating for sustainable, long-term solutions to address these issues.

Acting Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev marked the occasion of May 24, the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius, by celebrating the significance of Bulgarian education, culture, and Slavic literature. In a message shared on his Facebook profile, Glavchev described the day as the brightest holiday for the nation, emphasizing its unifying power and role in preserving Bulgarian identity over time. He urged people to reflect on the contributions of the first educators and teachers, expressing gratitude for their invaluable work in shaping Bulgarian culture and education. Glavchev concluded by extending heartfelt wishes for a happy holiday of Bulgarian education and culture to all.

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