Firefighter suspended over suspected involvement in fan riot

File photo.

A 30-year-old firefighter has been suspended from duty on suspicion of being involved in a fan riot outside a volleyball stadium near Piraeus last December in which a police officer suffered fatal injuries.

According to state broadcaster ERT, the fire service has also launched a sworn administrative examination into the case, which could lead to the firefighter being fired.

According to the case file, police identified the firefighter as being involved in the riot on the basis of DNA material found on a sports cap, which was found discarded in the vicinity of the stadium.

The firefighter is charged with a host of offences, including directing and joining a criminal organization, manslaughter, manufacturing explosive and incendiary devices, extortion, causing an explosion, robbery, violence and grievous bodily harm.

Giorgos Lyngeridis, a 31-year-old...

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