
OpenCalais Metadata: Ticker


Serbia will act in line with Moscow-Brussels agreement

BELGRADE - The matter of compliance of existing South Stream agreements with the EU laws is addressed in the dialogue between Gazprom and the European Commission, and in case some of the signed documents need to be amended, Serbia will act in line with the agreement and the actions of other countries hosting the gas pipeline, Tanjug learned at the Ministry of Energy and Mining on Wednesday.

Gazprom cuts gas export forecast to Europe, Turkey

Gazprom plans to export 158.4 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas this year to Europe, including Turkey, down from 161.5 bcm shipped in 2013, the state-controlled company said on June 3.

Gazprom added that the average gas price it was charging its clients in Europe, including Turkey, was $387 per 1,000 cubic meters last year.
