"No plans to delay South Stream" - minister

(Tanjug, file)

"No plans to delay South Stream" - minister

BELGRADE -- Mining and Energy Minister Aleksandar Antić has said there are "no plans to delay the building of the Serbian leg of the South Stream natural gas pipeline."

"As far as I can tell, European Union member countries don't have any such plans either. I believe that the European Commission, EU member countries and Gazprom, that is to say, the owners of South Stream, will find a solution to the unresolved issues in the briefest possible time," the minister told reporters on Thursday, Beta reported.

Antić stated that Serbia's stance was "not the defining or deciding" and that the government was "currently just following the situation without making any decisions."

"We will continue to follow the communication between the European Commission and EU member states and Russia, that is, Gazprom," the Serbian minister said.

Antić pointed out that the Ministry of Mining and Energy "views South Stream as a European project, because many European countries are part of it," Beta reported.

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