
OpenCalais Metadata: Ticker


Serbia's Deputy PM Opposes Gazprom Pocketing Entire Profit of NIS

The authorities in Belgrade have opposed the practice of Russian Gazprom, owner of a 56% stake in Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS), pocketing the entire profit of the company.

Aleksandar Vucic, First Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, noted that the company had reached a profit of EUR 380 largely thanks to Serbian oil, not extraordinary managerial achievements.

Ukraine 'Ready to Receive' Loan from Russia

Ukraine is ready to accept a loan from Russia in order to pay its debt to Gazprom, the country's Energy and Coal Industry Minister Yuriy Prodan announced.

The event follows the statement of Gazprom's chief Alexei Miller, who insisted that Ukraine should "immediately" deliver on its liabilities to the energy giant worth USD 2.2 B (EUR 1.6 B).

Ukraine to Raise Gas Prices by Half

Ukraine has agreed on a 50% increase of gas prices for domestic consumers.

Hike of gas bills is part of conditionality set by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) if Ukraine is to be granted an aid package.

State energy company Naftogaz reported that price changes will be into force from May 1, with more rises due to be made until 2018.

Key South Stream Shareholder Doubts Its Future

The future of the South Stream pipeline is unclear and probably it will not be realized soon, said the head of the Italian company Eni, Paolo Scaroni. 

Eni is one of the key shareholders in the project and holds 20% of its shares. Eni is the largest Italian gas company and the main distributor of gas from Russia's Gazprom in Italy.  
