

Worst August in years for Greek tourism, BoG data shows

According to data released by the Bank of Greece (BoG), revenue from the tourism industry had dropped by 9.85 billion Euros (7.1%) over the past 8-moth period, compared to the same period in 2015, which is a record low from the start of the year in January till the end of the summer season in August.

'No be annem'

Proponents of the Annan Plan were using a very appealing slogan during the propaganda period for the April 24, 2004 referendum: "Yes be annem" (Say yes my mom).  It was the slogan of strong support for the Annan Plan mixed with the matriarchal spirit of the Turkish Cypriot culture.

Erdogan's talk of 'kinsmen' in Thrace raises concerns in Greece

The Greek Foreign Ministry on Monday urged Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to respect international agreements, expressing concern that his statement on Saturday, that Ankara "cannot ignore" its kinsmen in Western Thrace, Cyprus and Crimea, could undermine regional stability.
