
Greece is a country in the southern Balkans


Outview Film Festival between April 14 and 24 in Athens

The ‘Outview Film Festival’ celebrates 10 years this year and is making a comeback with world and European film premieres, panel discussions, workshops and specials. With the logo ‘Give me your hand-You are wonderful’, a lyric from one of late David Bowie’s songs, the festival will take place at the ‘Teniothiki’ (Video Library) exhibition area on Iera Odod in Athens between April 14 and 24.

Anarchists kick out students and professors and turn University building into refugee camp (photos)

While the Greek government is pleading with refugees and illegal immigrants to board the buses at Idomeni in northern Greece to relocate them to reception centers set up all over mainland Greece, the anarchists and other anti-authoritarian fringe groups are taking matters into their own hands by creating their own reception centers at University campuses.

Bulgaria's Military, Border Police to Conduct Joint Black Sea Drill in April

Bulgaria's Defense Minister Nikolay Nenchev has said Armed Forces and Border Police officers are set to carry out a military drill in a move bolstering security at the country's Black Sea border.

Speaking at the inauguration of Bezmer Airbase, he has not specified a date, but has set the beginning of April as a possible timeframe.
