

Mobil Turi opens kitchen furniture factory in Jagodina

JAGODINA - One of the leading manufacturers of kitchen furniture in Italy, the Bari-based Mobil Gruppo Turi Cucine, will open a production facility in Jagodina, central Serbia, planned to employ around 150 people.

The facility will be opened on Thursday by Serbia's outgoing Prime Minister Ivica Dacic, the government's media cooperation office released today.

Albanian Police Seize Drugs Bound for Italy

Police found the drugs stashed in a van parked on secluded beach. It is believed that speed boats were to be used to traffic the drugs to Italy.

Media reports said police have arrested one suspect and issued warrants for five others.   

The drugs are believed to have originated in the notoriously lawless village of Lazarat, a no-go zone for police.

F1 Champion Schumacher Starts Making Eye-Contact, Responding to Voices

Formula One legend Michael Schumacher is making eye-contact and responding to voices, according to recent reports of Italian and German media outlets.

Italy's La Gazzetta dello Sport reports Sunday about encouraging eye movements, while Germany's Bild am Sonntag says that Schumacher is responding to voices.
