

The EP has approved € 3.4 billion for countries that have accepted refugees from Ukraine

EU countries that have taken refuge from the Russian invasion of Ukraine will immediately receive 3.4 billion euros, MEPs in Strasbourg have decided.

At its session, the European Parliament gave the green light to redirect EU funds for regional development and asylum to member states sheltering Ukrainian refugees. MEPs have now adopted additional emergency measures to support them.

Bulgaria: Alley and a Garden next to the Russian Embassy will be renamed "Heroes of Ukraine" and "Boris Nemtsov"

The alley, located between Dragan Tsankov Boulevard and the fence of the Russian Embassy in Sofia, will be named "Heroes of Ukraine". This was voted by the municipal councilors in Sofia Council. The alley is located along 96 meters between Nezabravka Street and Nikola Mirchev Street.

The decision was taken with 36 "For", 16 "Against" and none abstained.

WHO: We are preparing for a chemical weapons attack

"Given the uncertainty of the current situation, there is no assurance that the war will not get worse," Kluge said in a statement sent to journalists from Lviv in Ukraine, Reuters reports.
He said that the WHO is considering all possible scenarios and devising an answer for various situations that could affect the people of Ukraine.
