All News from Balkans

Washington knows PKK-YPG ties: Envoy

U.S. President Donald Trump is aware of the ties between the YPG and the illegal PKK, his special envoy for Syria and the global coalition to defeat ISIL said on May 22.

Government announces $4.9 billion financing for strategic sector

Turkey will provide a 30-billion-Turkish Lira ($4.9-billion) financing package for sectors which have export potential but are riddled with a foreign trade deficit and high import dependency, the finance minister said Thursday.

Debtors apply for new settlement plan in droves

More than 13,000 state debtors submitted an application to repay their dues in up to 120 installments within 24 hours of the launch of the online platform's operations. At the same time, according to data from the Independent Authority for Public Revenue, 100,000 taxpayers visited the platform on Taxisnet to find out the amount they will have to pay and the number of tranches.

Vienna: Three Serbians starve to death

An Austrian police spokesman said that the three women, of Serbian decent, appear to have starved to death.

Interpol Saved 50 Children from a Pedophile Ring

Nine people were arrested in Thailand, Australia and the United States, and 50 children were rescued after Interpol investigators broke a pedophile network, according to an international police group quoted by BGNES.

Marinakis on government : ‘Liars and traitors do not change, they simply get worse’

Evangelos Marinakis - in his capacity as a candidate for the Piraeus City Council on the Piraeus Victorious ticket and chief of the city's  Olympiacos FC - today lambasted the government and PM Alexis Tsipras in particular  in a no-holds-barred interview with journalist  Yorgos Tragas on Parapolitika 90.1 radio.

Capacity usage improves in May

The capacity utilization rate (CUR) in Turkey's manufacturing industry improved on a monthly basis in May, data from the Central Bank showed on May 23. 

Body of missing reporter found

The body of an Anadolu Agency correspondent was recovered on May 23 two weeks after he went missing.     

Vandals smash election campaign kiosks in Kavala

A group of unknown individuals damaged the election campaign kiosks of SYRIZA and neo-Nazi Golden Dawn in the city of Kavala, northern Greece, a local news website reported.

FAA: It Is Still not Clear When the Boeing 737 Max Will Return to the Sky

Aviation regulators from around the world are gathering to decide when Boeing 737 MAX will return to the sky, Nova TV reported. The meeting will be conducted by the US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) On this meeting can be can be established an eventual timetable on when aircraft from this model can be re-used.

Woman dies jumping onto train tracks in Moschato

A young woman committed suicide on Thursday afternoon by jumping onto the railway tracks at Moschato station as the train pulled in, Athens' electric railway company ISAP said.
Twelve firemen were on the scene to remove her body. Train services were partially disrupted due to the incident, the company said.

Traffic Alert

Extensive traffic on the country's roads is expected. Hundreds of people are on their way for the three days off. Therefore, heavy goods vehicle traffic will be limited.

From 14:00 to 20:00 o'clock on Thursday, trucks over 12 tons will be banned from highways and busiest roads stops.

Vucic: It would be easy to criticize Schroeder

The conference gathers leading world innovators, scientists, business leaders and artists, who are presenting the ideas of the new era in an inspirational way.
