All News from Balkans

Volcano in Mexico Has Erupted

The Popocatepetlvolcano in Mexico has erupted spewing ash and black smoke into the sky at a height of 3.5 kilometers, Nova TV reported, according to the National Civil Protection Service, quoted by BGNews.

After the ashes were discharged, the volcano continued its activity, erupting gas at an altitude of 800 meters. Authorities warn of the danger of approaching the colossus.

PM Dancila: Procedure to request funding through FDI to be simplified

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced on Thursday that the Development and Investment Fund (FDI) will be extended in order to complete and arrange the storage and preservation spaces of agricultural products and the procedure for requesting the fund through this programme will be simplified by eliminating the construction permit from the list of necessary documents when lodging the file.

Merkel and Weber Must Reject the Croatian HDZ’s Radical Agenda

The HDZ and its sister party in Bosnia and Herzegovina have long advocated ethnically 'federalising' Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is in line with the HDZ's embrace of convicted war criminals who took part in a joint effort to carve up the country with Bosnian Serb separatists during the 1992-95 war.

Supreme Court overturns ruling denying furlough N17’s Koufodinas

By George Gilson

The Supreme Court (Areios Pagos) has overturned a ruling of a judicial council in Volos denying the now defunct N17 terrorist organisation's top gun, Dimitris Koufodinas, his seventh consecutive furlough.

Now the Volos Judicial Council will meet again with a new composition to re-examine the request, and it is considered highly likely that it will be granted.

Parliament appealed to ELAS twice before anarchist attack, documents show

Two classified documents sent by Parliament's security service to the leadership of the Greek Police (ELAS) last week, and seen by Kathimerini, appealed for improved policing outside the House, which was targeted by anarchist vandals who threw bottles of red paint at its facade on Tuesday.

GOV't to discuss "A Family, A House" project for the first time

The Government on Thursday is set to discuss, for the first time, the project "A Family, A House," which is a version of the "First Home" programme closer to the citizens' needs, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated.

Moscow replies to NATO's call to withdraw from Crimea

"Crimeans live in peace and tranquility, and NATO would like to destabilize the situation in Crimea. They (NATO) do not like the way in which Crimea is developing, but we will not give them that satisfaction," Tsekov told Sputnik.

Man arrested in Laconia for possession of antiquities

Officers of the cultural heritage and antiquities department arrested on Thursday a 65-year-old man in Laconia, southeastern Peloponnese, for illegal possession of antiquities and for receiving and handling proceeds of crime.

CHP slams YSK’s justification for Istanbul rerun

A detailed ruling by the Supreme Election Council (YSK) on its justification for the cancellation of the March 31 Istanbul polls has revealed that the decision was politically-motivated and failed to prove that alleged irregularities had an impact on the election results, the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) has said.

‘Tremendous’ gender inequity in Turkish universities

Although gender inequality in Turkish academia has been in a steady decline in the last 34 years, the gap at the highest ranks of universities is still extremely wide, a recent report has revealed.

Modi promises inclusive India after stunning election win

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi promised to unite the country on May 23 after a huge election win, with his party on course to increase its majority on a mandate of pursuing business-friendly policies and a hard line on national security.

BNR governor: We should make a film about treasure sent to Moscow, have Viasat History air it

A book should be written or a film should be made about the Romanian treasure that was transferred to Moscow for safekeeping and send it to Viasat History channel, as this is about the history of no less than 92 tons of gold, governor of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) Mugur Isarescu this Thursday told the "Cristian Popisteanu" Symposium themed "The BNR Treasure Evacuated to Moscow - a Histo

50-million year-old nummulite exhibited

A recently discovered 50-million-year-old nummulite, a large lens-shaped single-celled marine organism (foraminifera), was put on display at a museum in the southeastern province Diyarbakır.
