All News from Balkans

BNR governor: We should make a film about treasure sent to Moscow, have Viasat History air it

A book should be written or a film should be made about the Romanian treasure that was transferred to Moscow for safekeeping and send it to Viasat History channel, as this is about the history of no less than 92 tons of gold, governor of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) Mugur Isarescu this Thursday told the "Cristian Popisteanu" Symposium themed "The BNR Treasure Evacuated to Moscow - a Histo

50-million year-old nummulite exhibited

A recently discovered 50-million-year-old nummulite, a large lens-shaped single-celled marine organism (foraminifera), was put on display at a museum in the southeastern province Diyarbakır.

Editorial: The Europe that we wound

We will be voting on Sunday to elect our representatives in the European Parliament but the toxic and polarised climate that has prevailed in our country and others has not permitted a substantial debate on the problems bedeviling the European edifice.

Bulgaria to Revive Vidin’s Abandoned Synagogue

The late 19th-century synagogue in the northwestern Bulgarian town of Vidin will be brought back to life with a cash injection of around 5 million euros from a combination of EU financial instruments, Bulgarian Regional Development Ministry announced on Thursday.

Robbers flee with one million euros from company office

The offices of a building management company in Metamorfosi, northern Attica, were robbed early Thursday, with the suspects making off with around one million euros, company employees told police.

Somalia to reconsider decision on Kosovo recognition

There he held bilateral talks with the President of that country, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmaajo, and with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

ND reiterates pledge to change furlough law if elected

Greece's conservative main opposition reiterated on Thursday its promise to amend a law granting prison leaves to convicted terrorists if elected in power.
The statement came after the penal section of the Supreme Court accepted an appeal filed by the court's top prosecutor Xeni Dimtiriou against the rejection of a prison leave for convicted terrorist Dimitris Koufodinas.

EU court rejects investors' calls for ECB compensation over Greek bailout

The General Court of the European Union said on Thursday the European Central Bank does not have to compensate private holders of Greece's sovereign debt who were forced to take losses during the 2012 international bailout of the country.
