Environmental Protection Agency

Polish Women in 51 Cities Protest Against Near-Total Abortion Ban

The publishing of the constitutional court's decision, necessary for it to become law, means abortion will become all but illegal in Poland, given that terminations caused by irreversible damage to the foetus represent about 98 per cent of the abortions conducted legally in the country each year. The ruling's publication had been postponed, reportedly at the behest of the conservative Law and J

"Dear citizens, this gathering is illegal": Chaos and arrests in Moscow VIDEO / PHOTO

However, the Russian police announced that about 4.000 demonstrators had gathered, Russian news agency TASS reports.
TASS writes that police officers on the ground continue to warn that the rally is illegal, while arresting the most active participants.

Turkey, Serbia, Bosnia and Hungary Put Trust in Russian, Chinese Vaccines

A health worker prepares to vaccinate a colleague against COVID-19 with Sinovac's Coronavac vaccine at the Prof. Dr. Cemil Tascioglu City Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, 14 January 2021. Photo: EPA-EFE/SEDAT SUNA

Some health experts have warned that the effectiveness of these vaccines is still not fully researched, and note that their delivery dates are also still uncertain.

20 Years On, Armed Conflict’s Legacy Endures in North Macedonia

Former MP Mersel Biljali, a law and political science professor, said that despite delays in implementing the peace deal over the years, it has helped the country to ease ethnic tensions and avoid greater bloodshed.

"It sobered us, directed us towards living with one another, building a joint future together, understanding each other a bit better, and building trust," Biljali said.

Serbia in 2021: Hostage to an Election Won and Another to Come

In 2021, Serbia's ruling Progressive Party faces being revisited by the errors of 2020.

A landslide election win in June yielded a parliament without an opposition, likely necessitating mediation by the European Union in 2021 if President Aleksandar Vucic is to head off another opposition boycott come the next election he wants held in 2022.
