Bosnian Genocide

The Parliament of Montenegro adopted the Resolution on Srebrenica VIDEO

The resolution, for which 55 deputies voted, while 19 were against, states that: "The Parliament of Montenegro:
1) strongly condemns the genocide in Srebrenica;
2) Acknowledges that the genocide took place on European soil after the Second World War, in which over 8.000 Bosniak civilians were killed;

Ratko Mladic sentenced to life imprisonment VIDEO / PHOTO

The Appeals Chamber upheld Ratko Mladic's first-instance verdict in its entirety.
He was sentenced to life in prison for genocide in Srebrenica, crimes against humanity in 15 municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, siege, sniping and terrorizing Sarajevo from 1992 to 1995, and holding members of the UN peacekeeping mission hostage during the NATO bombing.

Ratko Mladic Deserves Double Genocide Conviction: UN Prosecutor

Prosecutor Serge Brammertz told BIRN in an interview ahead of Ratko Mladic's trial verdict on Tuesday that he believes the crimes by Bosnian Serb forces committed in five Bosnian municipalities in 1992 represented the beginning of a genocide  in the country which culminated in Srebrenica in July 1995.

War Victims Hope for Double Genocide Conviction for Ratko Mladic

The outlook for a conviction appears unpromising. Some experts have pointed out that former Bosnian Serb political leader Radovan Karadzic has already been acquitted of committing genocide in 1992, while others believe that the Hague prosecution did not gather enough evidence to prove the charge because it focused its efforts and resources on Srebrenica.

Bosnian Families Hope Grave Discovery Will End Search for Bodies

At the exhumation were diggers and personnel from the Missing Persons Institute and the prosecution, as well as State Investigation and Protection Agency investigators and labourers who were digging up the hidden grave. They announced as Vranovic and BIRN's reporter arrived that they had just found a fourth skull.

Dodging Prosecution, Ratko Mladic’s Wartime Associates Live Freely in Serbia

The death of Milorad Pelemis, wartime commander of the Bosnian Serb Army's notorious 10th Sabotage Detachment, on April 23 in Serbia received major coverage in the country, with many domestic media stressing what they described as his "heroic" actions during the Bosnian war.
