
Marriages and Divorces Tumble in Southeast, Central Europe in Pandemic

Photo Illustration: Unsplash / Jeremy Wong Weddings

According to official figures from Southeast and Central European statistical agencies, the number of marriages dropped significantly in 2020 during the pandemic, presumably because of social distancing measures and strict bans on public gatherings in many countries.

Marriages, divorces down in Turkey in 2020: TÜİK

Fewer people in Turkey got married and divorced in 2020 compared to the previous year, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) said on Feb. 25.

"The number of people who got married was 542,314 in 2019. It was 487,270 in 2020, a 10.1 percent decrease [since the year before]," TÜİK said in its latest statistics on marriage and divorce rates.

Social Analysts: Every Second Marriage in Bulgaria Ends in Divorce

Six divorce cases have been heard in the past two days in the Regional Court of Blagoevgrad. The couples, who decided to end their relationship, officially split up and set a new anti-record. All six divorces were settled by mutual agreement, and as a motive the couples pointed to irreparable differences between them.

Bill foresees joint custody of children

A bill reforming family law for the first time in about 40 years will be introduced in Parliament in the coming days, introducing joint custody of children.

The new legislation stipulates that the child can spend one-third of the time with the parent they don't live with, instead of just the occasional weekend or holiday provided for currently.

North Macedonia NGOs File First Lawsuit Over Discriminatory Textbook

The non-governmental Coalition Margini together with the Network for Protection against Discrimination has filed a lawsuit, demanding the removal of a university textbook that blames women for the rising number of divorces, condemns abortion and classifies same-sex partnerships as debauchery.
