
Schauble: There will be a deal on Greece at EuroGroup

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble expressed the estimation that a deal would be reached on the Greek matter at the next EuroGroup meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 15. Addressing a conference on the prospects of the G20 nations in Berlin, Mr. Schauble said “We will make it on Thursday. You will see.”.

Turkish FM's Latin America tour 'to boost ties'

Turkey's ambassador to Argentina on Jan. 30 hailed the political and economic importance of Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu's four-nation South American tour this week.        

Meral Barlas said Argentina has the third-biggest economy in South America and stressed the importance of numerous areas where Turkey can have an economic relationship with Latin America.        

2016: The year China kicked G-20 in the butt

The day after the G-20 Hangzhou Summit in China, I read an article in the Jakarta Post. "The G-20 needs a kick in the butt" was its title. The author, the veteran Singaporean diplomat Kishore Mahbubani, was asking G-20 countries to leave their 19th century-esque national trenches, finally arrive in the 21st century and start thinking globally.

Obama: "Serious consequences" in wake of N. Korea test

U.S. President Barack Obama has said that North Korea's fifth nuclear test "will have serious consequences."

The newspaper Guardian is reporting this on its website quoting Reuters, and adding that Obama was briefed about Pyongyang's actions by his advisers after returning from the the G20 and ASEAN meetings.
