
Unknown story from "Bora Stankovic" school: NOVAK, WE ARE SORRY

Unknown story from "Bora Stankovic" school: NOVAK, WE ARE SORRY

In the time when Novak Djokovic was our student, teachers didn't have much understanding for his sport obligations. We made a mistake with him.

Zdravka Marjanovic, principal of elementary school ?Bora Stankovic" in Belgrade admits for "Blic".


66 actors undertake ambitious reading of Homer’s ‘Iliad’ (vid)

66 actors undertook the ambitious reading of the Iliad thanks to Cambridge classics professor Simon Goldhill. More than 50,000 people watched online as the ambitious reading took place on August 14 in front of live audiences at the British Museum. Now, the project can be enjoyed at Almeida’s website until September 21, 2016.

Ex-President's Election Videos Amuse Croatia


More than 160,000 viewers on Youtube across the Western Balkans region have been amused or bemused by some videos that former Croatian President Ivo Josipovic released on Sunday.

Videos showing Josipovic and people from his "Forwards Croatia - Progressive Alliance" party became an instant hit on Youtube, social networks and websites.

Veteran director Memduh Ün dies at 95

Decorated Turkish cinema director Memduh Ün has died at a hospital in Bodrum following a long period of treatment. He was 95. 

Ün, who lived with his partner, well-known actress Fatma Girik, in the Torba neighborhood, was taken to Ac?badem Hospital last year on Nov. 11 for treatment and had remained in the intensive care unit since then.  
