Kosovan parliamentary election

Kosovo Election Dispute is No Excuse for Anti-Roma Racism

Our communities have always been kept in degrading conditions and excluded from society, partly in order to make sure that poor non-Roma did not rebel against their lot in life. Even now, in many villages the 'best' Roma is the guy who still works for the locals, morning to evening, for whatever they will give him - "the best Roma in the village".

Kosovo Serbs Accused of Fixing Bosniak, Roma Election Results

Some political representatives of the Roma and Bosniak communities in Kosovo as well as civil society organisations have claimed that the seats their representatives obtained in Kosovo's parliament in the February elections were essentially arranged by the Belgrade-backed Kosovo Serb party, Srpska Lista.

Opposition Vetevendosje Movement Eyes Landslide Win in Kosovo Election

The opposition Vetevendosje party was on course for a landslide victory in snap parliamentary elections in Kosovo on Sunday, on a day that its leader and prime ministerial candidate, Albin Kurti, described as a "bright day" when he cast his ballot at a Pristina polling centre in the morning.
