Rail transport

Trains get back on track

Trains and the suburban rail service, which had stopped after the deadly accident in northern Greece on February 28, resume on Wednesday.

The first train is expected to depart from Larissa station at 4.45 a.m. on the Athens-Oinoi route. The new CEO of Hellenic Railways (OSE), Panagiotis Terezakis, will board the train.

Millions in EU funds invested in rail network

Almost 800 million euros have been allocated in aid to the Greek railways by the European Union, according to a representative of the European Commission in comments to Kathimerini. 

The first amount for the installation of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) was already allocated way back in 2000.

Athens metro stations shut down, as protest rally is held over Tempe train collision

The Athens metro stops "Syntagma" and "Panepistimio" were shut down at 10:30 on Sunday for a rally taking place at Syntagma Square over the deadly train collision accident at Tempe.

The rally is being held downtown as of 12:00 noon, and metro trains will be passing through the two stations mentioned above without stopping.

There is a Bulgarian Citizen among those who Died in the Train Accident in Greece

Among those who died in the train accident in Greece, there is also a Bulgarian, Mediapool reported. 22-year-old Denis Rutsi was in the fifth carriage of the passenger train that collided head-on with a freight train on February 28. 57 people died in the accident, and two Bulgarians were among the injured.
