Rail transport

A freight train crosses country, East-West, from Constanta to Curtici, in 7-12 days

The average speed of freight trains in Romania is of 16 km / h, and the transit between Constanta (southeast) and Curtici (west) takes between 7 and 12 days, based on the quantity transported, reveal the conclusions of a study done by the Railway National Surveillance Council (CNSDF), within the Competition Council, sent to AGERPRES on Monday.

Two Trains Collide in western Czechia, Dozens Are Injured

Two trains have collided near in Milavče village near the town of Domazlice, on the western border of Czechia. Local media reports that as many as 50 people are injured and rescue services are attending the scene.

Shortly after 8am (6am GMT) two trains collided in the village of Milavče, near Domazlice in Czechia's west, the country's police force said on Twitter. 

Restoration of historic Greek orphanage needs ‘big budget’

Described as Europe's largest wooden building, the Prinkipo Greek Orphanage in Büyükada, the largest of Istanbul's nine Princes' Islands, will be saved from a possible collapse with a planned but expensive restoration work.

The historic structure will require some 20 million euros for restoration, according to experts, who completed surveying the building following long delays.
