American wine

Cypriot wines to bear WineCore logo

The wine industry in Cyprus is at a turning point, as coordinated upgrading and promotion efforts are under way in both the private and public sectors.

The Cyprus Wine Consortium, consisting of 15 wineries in the private sector, has created a recognition symbol called WineCore, which stands for Wineries of Cyprus Own-Rooted Evolution.

Minister of Agriculture: The Wine Sector is One of the most Stable in Bulgaria

The wine sector is one of the most stable in Bulgaria, commented Agriculture Minister Rumen Porozhanov. In the "Byalata Prast" area near Svilengrad, together with the Director of the Executive Agency for Wine Krasimir Koev, he participated in the traditional ritual of triforing vineyards for Trifon Zarezan holiday.

Greek top court repeals wine tax

Greece's top administrative court cancelled a widely contested excise tax on wine introduced by the government in 2016, the Greek Wine Federation (GWF) announced on Tuesday.

The tax had been challenged at the Council of State by the Greek Wine Federation, the National Interprofessional Organization of Vine and Wine of Greece (EDOAO), and other wine associations at the start of 2016.

The House of Cinema To Show the Best of "Sofia Film Fest" Until April 15th

Godless, Glory, Storm, Tony Erdmann, Moonlight and some other titles from the finished already "Sofia Film Fest" can be seen again in the House of Cinema in Sofia until April 15th.

 The rubric Gourmet Cinema will present two documentaries about wine, accompanied by tastings.
