Greece on the cusp of economic stranglehold

The price that Greeks are called to pay under the pressure exerted on by lenders and while the negotiations having led to a stoppage of ECB funds, is quite heavy.


The above is declared by known businessmen and market representatives. According to them the country is on the limit, and the danger is visible that if this were to continue there will be great shortages in food, medicine and other basic materials needed for everyday survival.


According to the representative of a big supermarket chain “the situation currently is controlled due to a good management of warehouse stocks. Despite that, we are at an all-time high alert since suppliers notify us that they will have a hard time supplying due to a lack of access to materials internationally. All foreign businesses now require payments beforehand, and many multinational companies will not even accept the collateral that Greek banks may offer.


At this time, many supermarket chains are forming plans to be able to fill demand, since a lack of food and other necessary products is in the horizon.

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