Police find Xeros's bomb-testing spot

Counterterrorism officers investigating the apparent links between November 17 convict Christodoulos Xeros and jailed members of Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire believe a plot of land in Neo Peramo, close to Elefsina, served as a bomb-testing area for members of guerrilla groups.

The plot, which accommodates an old reservoir of the Athens Water and Sewage Company (EYDAP), is situated near the village of Loutropyrgos, some 30 kilometers west of Athens on the national road to Corinth.

Officers believe it was the spot used by Xeros and his accomplices to test the explosive device they had planned to use to blow a hole in the perimeter wall of Attica?s high-security Korydallos Prison and help members of the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire escape. The plan was thwarted by police in early January.

Police sources said they found remnants of explosive devices scattered across the plot. References to bomb testing were found by police scouring correspondence between Angeliki Spyropoulou, a suspected aide of Xeros who was arrested early this month, and jailed members of the Conspiracy group.

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