ENKA Encounters host various events in July

The 27th ENKA Cultural Encounters will start July 1 at the ENKA E?ref Denizhan Openair Theater with "Dorian the Musical," produced by the Istanbul-based MüzkalC?. 

On July 2, pianist Faz?l Say and Serenad Ba?can will take the stage. The concert will be a kind of gala of Say's latest album, "Yeni ?ark?lar." Tickets for the concert have been sold out, but the event will be broadcast live to the whole world on the website vivlive.com. 

Before the Say concert, the stage will host Bar?? ?çin Müzik Bak?r Üflemeliler Toplulu?u, which is made up of some 30 students playing various instruments. 

Legendary Turkish band, Mazhar-Fuat-Özkan, known as MFÖ, will also be on stage on July 3. 

The 27th ENKA Cultural Encounters will continue until July 31 with 10 movie screenings, seven concerts, two theater plays, two musicals, a modern dance event and an exhibition. Tickets for the events are available at Biletix.

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