Fly from US to Europe in just 11 minutes

Canadian engineer Charles Bombadier presented another radical, much faster design for future air travel. He unveiled his latest concept jet, ‘Antipode’, which is capable of reaching Mach 24.

The new craft can carry 10 people up to 12,430 miles in less than an hour allowing it to travel from London to New York in just 11 minutes.

Charles Bombadier became famous when he presented his previous concept jet, Skreemr, a transport hybrid concept which was designed to travel at Mach 10.

‘I wanted to create an aircraft concept capable of reaching its antipode—or diametrical opposite—as fast as possible,’ Bombardier told Forbes.

As the engineer explained, he envisaged the craft could be launched through a magnetic railgun system to catapult it into the sky at high speed reaching speeds of Mach 10.

With the help of liquid-oxygen or kerosene rockets the craft could be fired to rapidly move higher in the sky and reach Mach 4. The designer said scramjet engines could then be used to propel it to speeds of over 10 times the speed of sound, about 7,673mph (12,349km/h). But, in  this way a sonic boom noise would be generated over land and the massive amount of heat would build up on its nose and wings.

Therefore, he was contacted by engineer Joseph Hazeltine, who proposed him using a novel aerodynamic phenomenon called ‘long penetration mode (LPM).

The result was to draft an entirely new hypersonic concept—’the Antipode.’ which could fly from New York to London in 11 minutes and New York to Sydney in 32 minutes.

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