Zoi Konstantopoulou reveals Tsipras had agreed on signing memorandum since 2014

Former President of Greek Parliament Zoi Konstantopoulou revealed new shocking information about what happened before and after the referendum and claimed that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had agreed on signing a memorandum since 2014, when he was leader of the opposition.

Mrs. Konstantopoulou highlighted all the important events that took place from the elections of January 2015 till the dissolution of the Parliament in August revealing and exposing many members of SYRIZA who were also members of the government back then.

She admitted her biggest mistake was that she trusted Alexis Tsipras who “used the referendum to show SYRIZA that he has done whatever possible, while he had already betrayed his country”. She said also that cooperation with Independent Greeks had never been discussed with the party.

Mrs. Konstantopoulou revealed the government had known since May 2015 that capital controls would be imposed in the summer of 2015, claiming also that the then Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis, presented the alternative plan of adopting a parallel currency (IOU) in the presence of Mr. Tsipras.

She also stated that during one of the many intense discussions she had with government Vice President Yannis Dragasakis, he told her “no left government implemented its program”.

Mrs. Konstantopoulou announced also that she will form her own political party.

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