Keyboard Days festival to open in Belgrade November 18

BELGRADE - A concert of the LP Duo ensemble will open the Keyboard Days Festival at Belgrade's Kolarac on November 18.

Sonja Loncar and Andrija Pavlovic, who make up the LP Duo, will perform pieces by contemporary composers as well as original music.

The Quantum music project, which will be the main topic of this year's festival, will be presented.

Vlatko Vedral and Dragan Nikolic will speak about the project, quantum physics and quantum music as a new genre, being the leaders of a team tasked with developing a hybrid piano - a new "quantum" instrument.

Vlatko Vedral is the professor of quantum physics at the Oxford University and Serbia's most famous quantum physicist.

Before the LP Duo concert, visitors will have the chance to see the hybrid piano, which is a combination of an acoustic piano and an analog and digital synthesizer,...

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