Coup soldier ordered earlier mobilization after intel chief meeting: Indictment

An indictment into the July 2016 coup attempt has revealed that İlhan Talu, one of the high-ranking alleged putschist soldiers, allegedly ordered mobilization earlier than planned after seeing National Intelligence Agency (MİT) chief Hakan Fidan speaking with the top brass. 

Lt.-Gen. Talu was detained on July 16, 2016, one day after the failed coup.

According to the indictment, Talu also ordered the appointment of a general who was dismissed later for his relations with the Gülenist movement, which is believed to have orchestrated the failed coup attempt, hours before his own detention.

Talu appointed Lt.-Gen. İbrahim Yılmaz to the 2nd Corps Command when he realized the coup attempt had failed at 6:30 a.m. on July 16, the indictment stated.

Talu reportedly observed a meeting between Fidan and Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar and Gen. Yaşar Güler and ordered the coup operations to begin earlier instead of the pre-arranged time of 3 a.m. on July 16, 2016. According to the indictment, Talu played a significant role in moving up the time of the coup attempt after reportedly learning that members of the Gülenist movement in the army would be detained immediately.

Talu reportedly guided coup soldiers who arrived to occupy the General Staff Headquarters building in Ankara at 9:23 p.m. on July 15, 2016.

Meanwhile, the indictment also includes claims against Maj.-Gen. Mehmet Dişli, who is accused of holding Akar at gunpoint and trying to force him to make a declaration. Dişli is the brother of ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy leader Şaban Dişli.

Some 18 of 20 staff officers under the command of Dişli were involved in the coup attempt, the indictment stated.  

Mustafa Azimetli, who...

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