First Elections in Cuba since Fidel Castro's Death are taking Place Today

Cuban voters will take part today in the first round of universal elections. More than eight million Cuban residents are urged to go to the polls for the first time since the death of the Cuban revolution leader, Fidel Castro, a year ago.

The island's population will elect MPs in the local authorities - the municipal councils, which will be the first step towards renewing the composition of regional parliaments and then the national unicameral parliament.

At the end of February 2018 the MPs from the newly elected National Assembly will appoint the Chairman of the State Council - the State and Government Head. Since 2008, Raul Castro has replaced his older brother Fidel, reminds

Eighty-six-year-old Raul Castro has repeatedly stated that his current five-year mandate is expiring in February 2018, will be the last one for him. The 57-year-old  Miguel Dias Canel, vice-president of the Cuban Council of Ministers, is the most likely successor. At the same time, Raul Castro is expected to remain at the head of the Cuban Communist Party - the only official political party on the island - until 2012.

In today's municipal elections, 27 200 candidates will fight for 12 500 seats. Deputies in municipal councils are elected for a term of two and a half years.

Election offices open at 7am local time. The vote ends at 18:00.

On December 3, a second round will take place in the areas where none of the candidates received more than 50 percent of the vote.

Fidel Castro passed away on November 25 last year at the age of 90. Yesterday, Cuba marked the first anniversary of his death.

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