"Exercise in Your Town" - Sports Initiative in Sofia This Saturday


On Saturday, the South Park in Sofia will become a sports arena. The event "Exercise in your City" is organized by Sofia Municipality and is part of the initiative "Sofia - European Capital of Sport".

At 9:00 am will start a group running in the South Park for five kilometers, one of the organizers of the event, Anatoli Iliev, told the Bulgarian National Television. More than 500 participants are expected. There will also be a run for children and students.

There will also be football matches on small doors, as well as basketball. Lovers will be able to get involved in city running and city cycling.

There will be training on how to ride bicycles safely in the city, which will be repeated at every event in Sofia - the European capital of sport, as cycling is becoming more and more popular in the capital, added Iliev.

One of the surprises of the event will be the demonstration of riding unicycle - bicycle on one wheel.

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