Parliament Has Set New Prices For Social Services

Part of the social services will be free after the National Assembly adopts a completely new Social Services Act.

People without income will be able to make free use of assistance services and the rest will pay 10%, 20% or 50% of the fee. Its size will depend on the individual judgment of each case that will be carried out by the municipal officials. The prices of the paid services will be determined by a special tariff developed after the adoption of the law.

Bisser Petkov, Minister of Labor and Social Policy: Free services will be primarily related to the creation of parental capacity, information, counseling. Services related to shelter for persons in need.

The law for the first time regulates assistive support as a social service. Right to it will be all people who are unable to self-service and people who have permanent disabilities and need for help.

People with disabilities who do not benefit from assistive support under another law have the right to assistance with the newly adopted law.

The term for the closure of the homes for children deprived of parental care as well as for the homes for medical and social care shall be determined by 1 January 2021. Deadlines for closure of the homes for people with various disabilities and people with mental disorders shall also be established.

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