Weather in Bulgaria: Still Windy and Warm

It will still be windy today. Southwestern wind will moderate in eastern Bulgaria rising to strong to the north of the mountain ranges. The temperatures will stay much higher than is usual for late December, weather service reports.

Maximum temperatures will be between 13°C and 18°C, again lower in the north-westernmost areas, where there will be dense low cloudiness and will remain quiet. Over the rest of the country it will be mostly sunny.

Sunny weather will prevail over the mountains. There will be more significant cloudiness over the southern slopes of the Rila-Rhodope region, where rain will fall in some places. Strong to stormy southwest winds will continue to blow. Warm weather with a maximum temperature of about 10°C at 1200 m a.s.l., at 2000 m a.s.l. - about 2°C.


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